




(1)If the jobs cannot be filled, then the productivity of the country will fall and so will its prosperity.(関西外国語大)


(2)If Arctic ice disappears, so may Inuit culture.(摂南大)




(3) If the soil is sick or in some way deficient, so will be the grasses that grow in that soil and the cattle that eat the grasses and the people who drink the milk from them.



一般に普通の倒置であれば、beは主語の後ろに来るはずである。ところが、この文ではwill beがセットになっている。次のCOCAによる例から分かるように、完了形でも同じである。


(4)Well, if we knew that, we'd have already figured it out, and so would have Stuyvesant and Boston Latin.