




(1)We want to make sure that once we identify that there is a problem, that people actually have good places to go to get specialized treatment.(関西医科大)


下線を引いたthatはmake sure thatに導かれる節内の主節にあたり、文法的に考えれば明らかに不要である。なお、この英文は長文中のものだが、会話部分にあたる。おそらくは、読んだら違和感を感じるのではないかと思う。でも、もしかしたら、聞いている分には違和感をさほど感じない気がする。こうした過剰な/不要なthatは、単なる、偶然の言い間違いに過ぎないと思うかもしれないが、実は口語ではかなり頻繁に起きていると感じる。試しにCOCAで検索すると、相当数「不要な」thatが使われている例に出会う。面白いことに、全て(見たわけではないけど目を通した限りにおいて)口語である。一例をあげると、次のようなものがある。


(2)They are advising that if a storm is still under way, that they stay off the road, stay inside until it passes.




(3)It was just an unspoken agreement that if something did happen to my mom, that I would take care of the girls.

(4)And I was worried that if I waited until I was 85, that I wouldn't tell it.

(5)My question is, it seems in the past that if someone was brought to court criminally, that they knew what the charge was when they went into court.

(6)We believe that if this is truly a national emergency, that everyone in our society ought to be asked to contribute to the effort.

(7)My dad's 74 years old, and I just truly believe that if my dad ever stopped working, that he would die a week later.

(8)We are working with our government partners to do some mitigation and make sure that if another storm were to hit, that we can help them rebuild in a way that the damage won't be so bad.


こうしてみてくると、単なる偶然の言い間違いというよりも、かなり定着している一つのパターンを形成していると言っても良いと思う。おそらくネイティブスピーカーはこんなこと自分は言わない、というだろうが、実際には使ってしまっている、そんなパターンじゃないだろうか。例えば、今回僕が取り上げているのと同じように、「標準的」ではない構文パターンを取り上げたLambrecht (1988)では次のように書いている。


(9)For example the sentences in (7) through (10) were uttered spontaneously by university professors, all of whom were convinced that the construction did not exist in their dialect or speech pattern. The person who uttered (8), a linguist interested in matters of discourse, had explicitly  stated, after hearing me talk about the construction, that even though he had heard of such examples, they did not occur in his speech. In fact he considered them not only ungrammatical but uninterpretable. 


ここの引用中に出てくる(7) ~ (10)を(10)~(13)として挙げておく。

(10)I have a friend from Chicago's gonna meet me downstairs. 

(11)Check to see if your feature matrixes come out Ok. I got a couple of 'em didn't come out right.

(12)I have a friend of mine in the history department teaches two courses per semester.

(13)I have a friend in the Bay Area is a painter.


ここで書かれているように、意外と使ってても、ネイティブスピーカ―本人としてはそれを認めたくない(というか気づいてない)ということはよくあるのだろう。この論文自体は結構前なので、今はどうなのかは分からないけれど、少なくともこの論文ではこうした現象は生成文法ではあまり注目されてこなかったと書かれている。その理由として"...but perhaps mostly because of certain formal properties which make it difficult to fit it into one of the established generative analyses of English relative clauses."と書いている。だよね~。ちなみに、これとは別の「標準的」ではない構文パターンを取り上げたものとしてRoss-Hagebaum (2004)がある。ここで取り上げられているのは次のようなパターンである。


(14)That's what I was about to say is that everyone needs to be tested.


that isとありながらis thatと続くので、明らかに標準的なパターンからは逸脱しているが、筆者によれば、<That's X is Y>というパターンが確立している、らしい。さて、この論文の冒頭の方で次のように書かれている。


(15)The non-standard character of these sentences stems from the fact that the speaker seems to change syntactic direction halfway through the utterance.




(2)They are advising that if a storm is still under way, that they stay off the road, stay inside until it passes.




(16)They are advising, if a storm is still under way, that they stay off the road, stay inside until it passes.




(17)They are advising that, if a storm is still under way, they stay off the road, stay inside until it passes.


そして、おそらくは、(2)のようなパターンは、(16)と(17)のようなパターンがまじりあったパターンということではないかと思う。良く知られているように、例えば、wantは<want人to do>を取るけれども、副詞句などがwantの後ろに入り込むと強制的に<want for 人to do>となる。要するに、意味上の主語を明示するfor(補文標識)が入り込むわけだ。どうしてthat節内で副詞節が入り込んだ場合に「不要な」thatが入り込みやすいか、というのにも同じような事情もかかわっているのではないかと推測される。




(18)And women, if they return to their villages, that they can do some activities and they can regain their dignity again by producing and selling something.

(19)And if Cole Hernandez got in my way, that I would run him over.

(20)Well, - if I look at Supreme Court precedence, that they will be overturned. I mean, it just conflicts with federal law.

(21)If they want a union dues requirement, that the state should be able to do that.

(22)If he goes after the Baltic States, that military options are on the table. But I don't think he's going to do that.







Lambrecht, K. (1988) "There was a farmer had a dog: Syntactic amalgams revisited." In Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (Vol. 14, pp. 319-339).

Ross-Hagebaum, S. (2004) "The that’s X is Y construction as an information-structure amalgam." In Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 403-414).