

consist ofの使い方について

友澤宏隆. (2017). 定義文に用いられる動詞 involve について. 言語文化, 53, 3-16.




(1)If asked to say what it means ‘to lie’, most people respond that lying involves saying something that isn’t true. It is easy to think of cases where the definition fails.(Taylor 2012: 238)






(2)In England, what might be known as the "Royal Cross" consists of crossing the legs at the ankle, but not at the knees. If you observe news photographs of English royalty, especially Queen Elizabeth II, you will see that "Royal Cross." She is almost always pictured with legs crossed at the ankles and never at the knees. Princess Diana, however, was often pictured with her legs crossed at the knees, proving that even royal conventions change.(亜細亜大)


ここでのconsist ofは本来「Sは~から構成されている/~から成る」という意味だが、ここではほぼ「足首のところで脚を組むことだ」くらいの意味で解釈するのが自然だろう。要するに、ここのconsist ofは意味的にはほぼbeに相当する。


(3)As much as 50 percent of a student's grade in most classes consists of "class participation," or how much the student contributes to the class discussion, the other half in such a case would be homework completion, test scores, and other factors.(追手門学院大)


ここでは後半でwould beが使われているので、より一層それがはっきりする。A involve Bは「AがBを必然的に含む」というような意味で、A consist of Bは「AがBから構成される」なので、関係的にはいずれもAのパーツの一部にBがある、ということになるわけだから、これらの表現でいずれもbe的に使われるという共通点があっても不思議ではない。

