




①The most basic distinction is (  1  ) short-term and long-term memory.[東京薬科大]


これは長文の中に空所があり、そこに入る語を選択肢4つの中から選ぶ問題になっている。しかし、この問題、選択肢など見るまでもなく、見た瞬間に0.001秒で答えがわかる。答えはbetweenである。それはなぜか。そもそもdistinctionという語を英英辞典で引くと、<a clear difference or separation between two similar things>と定義される。そして、例文として次のようなものが上がっている(いずれもLongman/太字は僕)。

例:the distinction between formal and informal language

例:There is often no clear distinction between an allergy and food intolerance.


(本題に入る前に:例えば入試の英文に名古屋外国語大学のDuring the Renaissance era, there was no clear distinction between the role of the 'artist' and the 'chemist'. という文があるが、見ての通り、Longmanの例と全く同じ型である。こういうのをしっかりと勉強していきたい)

さて、見てすぐに気づくが、distinctionはしばしばdistintion between A and Bという形式で用いる。この問題ではその表現がbe動詞の前後に分割された形で出てくる。このように、本来の名詞句の<名詞+α>のうち、名詞が主語に、αが補語の位置に置かれるケースは非常に多い。これを僕は(勝手に)「be分割型表現」と呼んでいる。さて、類例をいくつか見てみよう。


②Wilson's sole passion was for the beauty of nature, and he sought pleasure in the simple and natural things that life offers to everyone.[関西大]


③Their only interest was in their weekly wage and in earning enough to avoid starving.[関西大]


④By limiting the power of the government and the churches and eliminating a formal aristocracy, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual.[桜美林大]


⑤In class-conscious Britain, the focus was on correct pronunciation. In the United States, correct spelling was the thing.[津田塾大]


⑥Soon, the pressure was on the tobacco companies to limit their advertising campaigns.[奥羽大]


⑦One example is of a man who had a stroke that wiped out a small part of the visual processing area of the brain.[関西大]



⑧What the car needs is a new battery.「その車に必要なのは新しいバッテリーだ」


このような<what節 be A>型の表現は疑似分裂文と呼ばれ、主語のwhat節で表される内容の不確定要素がbeの補語にくるAによって指定される形になっている。関係性としては⑧であればneeds a new batteryと考えればよい。そうすると、①~⑦のパターンもこの仲間と言えなくもない。さて、似たような形式の構造はwhatを用いないものにもたくさんある。


⑨Some historians even claim that one reason why there were so many witch trials in the second half of the seventeenth century was because people believed that ‘witches’ were to blame for the big freeze. [甲南大]


⑩And one senior confided to me that the only reason she was going to the ceremony was so that she could get money from her relatives. [桜美林大]


⑪The goal of preparing these people to be excellent math and science teachers is so they, in turn, can prepare the students to go into math and science fields in the future.[青山学院大


⑫One of the ways in which manufacturers tried to encourage consumption was by identifying a particular market and deliberately making their goods look attractive to their potential customers. [同志社大


以上の表現はどちらかというと太字にしたパターン<way be by ing><goal be so that SV><reason be because / so that>がもはや固定化した熟語的な言い方と言える。



⑬One way to think of culture is as the habits of language, thinking and behavior that bind a group together.[武蔵大]

ここでは明らかに<think of A as B>という表現が効いている。


⑭Another major flow of people in both Europe and North America was from the countryside and small settlements to the large cities.[関西学院大

ここでは明らかに<flow from A to B>という表現が効いている。



⑮Another student's ambition was to be a Japanese-language teacher. [愛知大]

もともとambitionはto doを後続させて使うことができる表現で、ambition to doで「~するという野望・野心」くらいの意味。それがbeの前後に分割されている。


ところが、<名詞 be to do>という形式には、本来<名詞 to do>という形が取れないものも多い。


⑯The teacher's role was to provide materials and show the children how to use them.[関西大]


⑰Thus, though it was once the custom to separate the study of plants from that of animals, and the study of the structure of organisms from that of function, the current practice is to investigate those biological phenomena that all living things have in common.[東京歯科大]


⑱The goal of these systems is to return former criminals to society after a required period of treatment and training, usually in prison.[亜細亜大]


⑲The aim of the system was to ensure that intelligent and talented people regardless of their social status would work for the government. [獨協大


⑳The objective is to put the animal into negative energy balance by decreasing energy intake or increasing energy output, or both.[麻布大]


㉑But there is no escaping the fact that the original task of the historian is to answer the child’s question: ‘What happened next?’[青山学院大


以上のrole とか aimなどは本来後ろにto doを後続させて使うことができないが、be分割型ではかなり高頻度で使われる(なお、aimは動詞の場合aim to doという表現はよく使われる)。このような<名詞+to do>は(ふつうは)許されないが、<名詞 be to do>型ではよく使われる名詞としては次のようなものがある:error / response / answer / fate / object(ive) / role / arrangement / favor / point / function / business / goal / practice / solution / convention / custom / habit / procedure / strategy / idea / purpose / task / difficulty / job / dream / misfortune / remedy / trick / effect / mission / replyなど


なお、同じようなことがthat SVにも言える。

㉒His justification was that a partnership would have a much better chance of surviving the negative business environment that small businesses were experiencing in the United States during the 1830s.[杏林大]


本来justificationという単語は同格のthat SVをとれない。しかし、be分割型ではこのように用いることができる。このように同格節は続けられないがbe分割型ではそこそこつかわれる名詞としては次のようなものがある:advance / advantage / bias / clue / difference / disadvantage / distinction / effect / embarrassment / experience / guilt / habit / importance / inadequacy / interest / justification / meaning / memory / merit / misfortune / motivation / mystery / progress / puzzle / reputation / restriction / result / scheme / shortcoming / significance / similarity / situation / trick / trouble / problem / upshot / value / virtue / weakness / wonderなど


一般に同格のthat SVにしても不定詞to doにしても、それらとbe分割型では、分割型で使える名詞の方が範囲が広く、同格節や不定詞をつけられる名詞は「だいたい」分割型もいけるという認識を持っている。

(がしかし、例外もあり、例えばsatisfactionは同格節はとれるが分割型はかなり厳しく、abilityはto doをつけられるが分割型はかなり厳しのではないかと思う。)





㉓The picture was (  5  ) a classic model that was obviously worth a thousand times that amount.[北里大]

