

等位接続詞もどき(1) as well as

 McCawley, J. D. (1998). The syntactic phenomena of English. University of Chicago Press.のChapter 9にLess Central Instances of Coordinationという節があり、そこではas well asやin addition to、rather thanなどの等位接続詞に似た働きを持つ表現が扱われている。


(1)John put records as well as books in the closet.

(2)John put books on the piano as well as in the closet.

(3)John ate pizza yesterday as well as today.



上の例を見るといずれも文法的に同等なものをつないでいるように見えるのである種の等位接続詞としてみなすことができる。(そりゃそうだろという感じが強いが)同書では次の二例によってas well as はbefore / after等とは区別されるとしている。


(4)*Tom sent Dick before Lucy money.(Tom sent Dick money before Lucy.は可)

(5)Tom sent Dick as well as Lucy money.




(6)The president is incompetent as well as the governor being / *is crooked.

(7)John looks like Robert Redford as well as having / ?? has a lot of money.






(8)He may be, and I think he is, a good student.




(9)He may be a good student, and I think he is a good student.


このような形がas well as等の等位接続詞もどきには適用できる。


(10)Ann has written several books about, as well as many articles on, the diet of polar bears.

(11)Ann is the author of several books about, as well as having written many articles on, the diet of polar bears.






(12)Susan and I are / *am / *is happy.

(13)Susan as well as I ??are / ??am / ??is happy.

(14)Either Susan or I *are / ??am / ??is happy.

(15)Susan as well as Tom is / *are happy.


McCawleyによれば、等位接続詞がbut / orの場合は主語と動詞の一致がいずれにおいても成立しなくてはいけないと述べ、(14)ではSusanとIで同時に両者を満たすことができないのでいずれも容認度が低いという。as well asに関してもor / butと同じようなことが当てはまるが、orに関してはいずれも容認度は低いにしても、接続される要素の後の方に合わせる傾向があり、後者にas well asに関しては最初の方に合わせる方が好まれる、という点が異なる。


よく受験で出てくる話では、「A as well as Bの場合、Aに合わせる」、という説明がされる気がするが(僕の気のせいかもしれない)、ここでの話に基づけばそうではなく、むしろ本当はAとB両方を満たす必要があり、よって(15)ではAにしろBにしろbe動詞はisを要求するので問題なし、なのに対し、(13)ではSusanとIで要求するbe動詞が異なるわけだから、いずれの形を用いてもおかしい、ということになる。へぇえええええ勉強になりました~~



Mary, as well as you, (      ) this place.(桜美林大)

(a) like  (b) likes                (c) either like       (d) both like


She as well as I (      ) tired of the work.(愛知工業大)

a.am     b.is       c.are      d.be


Taro as well as his brothers (      ) to blame.(愛知産業大)

ア  are   イ  is     ウ  were



さて、気を取り直して、as well asは等位接続詞っぽいが、やはり他にも違うところがあり、それはas well asは移動ができるという点。


(16)As well as books, John put records in the closet.

(17)John put records in the closet as well as books.


この二例を(1)と比べてみるとよく分かるが、比較的自由に移動ができる。しかし純粋な等位接続詞のbut / or / andは(17)のような後ろに置く形はできるにしても、(16)のような前に移動する形は決して許されない。(16)のようにas well as Xが前に移動すると、もはや等位項としての力がなくなる。


(18)As well as you, John was invited to dinner.

(John as well as you ?was / ??were invited to dinner.)

(19)As well as playing / *plays the piano, Sam recites poems.

        (Sam recites poems as well as playing / plays the piano.)


まず上の例に示されるように前に置かれる場合as well as XのXは主語と動詞の一致に関与しない。また、二つ目の例に示されるように、原則的に動詞はing形が要求される。


おなじみインテリア系文法書Huddleston, R. D., & Pullum, G. K. (2002). The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language.でもas well asは扱われている。


(20)She plays the piano as well as the violin.

(21)She plays the piano as well as sings lieder.




(22)Abstraction as well as impressionism were Russian inventions.

(23)Beauty as well as love is redemptive.


本書ではどうやら(22)のようなタイプと(23)のようなタイプを統語的に異なるものと分析しているらしい。(22)では等位接続詞のandに対応するので、A and B同様、複数扱いをしているが、(23)ではas well as loveの部分はいわゆる付加詞の扱いで、主語はあくまでBeautyだということらしい。そして、上で書いたような移動したりするのはこの後者のタイプに限るとみなしている。


もう一つのインテリア系文法書Quirk, R. 達の A comprehensive grammar of the English language. でもQuasi – coordinatorsとしてas well asやrather than等が挙げられている。


(24)He publishes as well as prints his own books.

(25)As well as printing the books, he publishes them.


この例文に関して “In other sentences, however, they clearly have a prepositional or subordinating role, and have the mobility of adverbials, in that they can be placed in initial or final position.(p982)”とある。基本的にHuddleston先生の方と同じような見方ということかな。








念のためマイケルスワンのPractical English Usageを確認してみると、動詞を後ろに置く場合最も頻繁に使うのはing形だと書いている。McCawleyと同じ。それに加えスワンは主節で不定詞があればtoなしで動詞の原形が現れうるとして次の例を挙げている。


(26)I have to feed the animals as well as look after the children.



とりあえず、as well asが何をどう結ぶかを入試問題の長文から例を確認する。



(27)New research reveals that a man's emotional life is as complex and rich as a woman's, but it often remains a mystery to him as well as to any woman who loves him.(東海大



(28)But metals make better tools, because they are tough (resistant to cracking) as well as strong.(大阪産業大



(29)Under John Lasseter, a young animator rejected by Disney, Pixar started to develop a new kind of animation, which avoided fairy-tale plots and entertained adults as well as children.(東京工科大)



(30)In fact, the structure of your brain changes every time you learn, as well as whenever you have a new thought or memory.(東京女子大



(31)It allows us to express ourselves clearly as well as understand others better. (愛知大)

★to doに対して後ろで原形


(32)A great player must master this structure as well as have imagination and skill.(青学)



(33)To grow such a body and rack, as well as accumulate the fat reserves needed to survive the rigors of the rut, when the bull feeds very little, a bull elk must seek out abundant, high-quality browse.(青学)

★to doに対して後ろで原形


(34)Emerging evidence is drawing psychologists and economists alike to conclude that "our brains are wired to cooperate with others" as well as to reward or punish others for mutual cooperation.(大阪医科大)

★to doに対して後ろでto do


(35)For example, today more and more people have the opportunity to travel and live in another country, as well as to meet and get to know people from different cultures.(福岡教育大)

★to doに対して後ろでto do


(36)They used windows and skylights for the same reason, as well as to allow for air circulation.(青学)

★目的・理由の前置詞句で後ろに目的のto do


(37)Giorgio Armani is one of the world's most famous fashion designers, as well as being one of the richest, with an estimated personal fortune of over $5 billion.(東海大



(38)Starry Night is one of the most well-known images in modern culture as well as being one of the most replicated and sought-after prints.(大阪経済大)

★定形Vに対して後ろでing (ただの偶然だけどこの二つめっちゃ構文が似てる)


(39)As well as being positive, they are well aware of the global economy, more able to get along with different people, and quite comfortable with a lack of job security.(桜美林大)

★定形Vに対して後ろでing *as well asの前置


(40)As well as having copying, scanning and fax functions, these extremely useful machines can also be used to print out photos from digital cameras.(大阪工業大

★原形に対して後ろでing *as well asの前置


(41)According to JAXA, the aim of the project was to understand the origin and evolution of the solar system, as well as paving the way for future sample return missions.(岡山理科大

★to doに対して後ろでing


(42)As well as creating more farmable land out of thin air, this would slash the transport costs and carbon-dioxide emissions associated with moving food over long distances.(学習院大)

★原形に対して後ろでing *as well asの前置


(43)As well as being good at exams, you also have to have common sense and enthusiasm.(東京医科大)

★to doに対して後ろでing


残念ながら入試問題からは定形Vに対してas well asの後ろに定形Vタイプは(ざっと見たところ)見つけられなかったのでCOCAから。


(44)Thus, working individuals who have completed their undergraduate education still try to keep up with developments in knowledge and skills as well as are moving toward postgraduate education.


(45)OverviewVerizon Communications is a broadband and telecommunications company that operates 4G LTE and 3G networks as well as provides information and entertainment services.




なお、as well asが前置されるケースはもちろんingの場合だけでなく、名詞の場合もある。


(46)However, as well as first-language speakers, we can also count people who learn a language as a second language at school (second-language speakers).(大妻女子大)


(47)And as well as the endangered Asian elephant, the relatively diminutive African forest elephant ― only recently shown to be a distinct species ― is now in crisis.(青学)