(1)If any of your ancestors, having gone through wars, famines, and pestilences, did not survive, you would not be here.
①any very serious infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people
②a serious and growing problem
例:The report states that vandalism is a pestilence that must be stamped out.
(2)While rich in natural resources, from oil to coal to gemstones and precious metals, Africa is the poorest continent, long plagued by outside interference, corruption, and disease.(大阪経済大)
①to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long period of time
(3)As a consequence, he described himself as "happy enough, I guess," but in reality he has always been plagued by vague feelings of longing and dissatisfaction that he has never been able to put a name to.(関西大)
(4)In contrast to Type A personalities, Type B personalities are not plagued with a sense of urgency.(拓殖大)
plagueの動詞の使い方としてbe plagued withというのも比較的見かける。「~に悩まされている」くらいの意味。オックスフォードの定義は次のようになっている。
②to annoy sb or create problems, especially by asking for sth, demanding attention, etc.
demanding attentionというのがなかなか秀逸だと思う。複数の英英辞典を見るとどれも「繰り返し質問することで」という説明がついている。入試問題では合う例が見つからなかったのでCOCAで検索してみたが、とりあえず受身の形だとたいして「繰り返し質問することで」という雰囲気は見られない。むしろ、withの後ろにはproblems / difficulties / anxiety / concern等の語が来ることが多そう。