Goldberg著のExplain Me This : Creativity, Competition, and the Partial Productivity of Constructions(2019)に次のような一文が出てくる(p26)。
(1)If two words were truly interchangeable, speakers would be forced to make a totally random decision each time either word was used.
この文は内容からして全体としては明らかに仮定法の文と言えるが、最後のeach timeに導入される副詞節でwasという過去形が使われているのはやや奇妙にも思える。というのも、「どちらかが使われるときは毎回」という内容は仮定的な条件ではないからだ。
(2)If we measured adult sentences with a ruler, we would find in most cases that the length before the verb was short and the length after the verb was long.
(3)If Japanese students were supposed to study English so that they developed competence in English, then such study should begin much earlier than it does.
(4)If I were rich, I would buy you anything you wanted.
(5)In such a situation, the acceptance of their proposal would be tantamount to an admission that you were really wrong.
(6)If, for example, children did not remember many of the words, phrases and sentences that they heard, they would have little basis for discovering abstract meanings and rules. A certain grammatical structure, negation for instance, requires that the child remember many negative sentences. If the child could not remember negative sentences that had been experienced previously, the child would have nothing with which to compare a presently occurring sentence, and thus could not make significant guesses as to its structure. Without a good memory, language learning would not be possible.(青学)