




①The first thing that has to be said (about X) is that ...


The first thing that has to be said about this book is that it is rather misleadingly

なおここでのmisleadinglyというのは、書名がA Comprehensive Descriptive Grammar of Englishという風にcomprehensiveという語が使われているが、英文法に関して扱われていない項目も多々あり、また扱われていても、全体的に頁の割き方に偏りが大きく、その名に合っていない、という内容。


②not a single



There is, for example, not a single constituent structure diagram in the book. Nor are there any other kinds of figure or diagram, or anything one could properly call a
table: the book is surprisingly lacking in user-friendly modes of presentation that one associates with modern textbooks.

なお、ここの文中のproperly callのproperlyの使い方も勉強になる。


③ regard...as a rival

regard以外にもseeやview、look onなども使える。

本文中では以下のように使われている。ニュアンスとしてはbe no match for と近そう。

The title is of course similar to that of Quirk et al.‘s Comprehensive grammar of the
English language (1985), but it cannot be regarded as a rival to that work, in terms
either of coverage or what it has to say about syntactic description. 


④no grounds for A


I can see no grounds for saying that the speaker conceives of the two situations
(your buying today and the investment being worth $200 or my intention and my
return) as simultaneous. 

ここでの例のように see no grounds for Aの形や、there are no grounds for A、S have no grounds for Aの形で使う。この表現ではgroundsというように複数形で使う。