




(1)Today, butterflies' flutterings make us sit up and take notice of what is happening around us ― they are both harbingers and victims of climate change and we are studying them for what they can tell us about the future prospects of life on earth.







a person or thing that shows that something is going to happen soon, especially something bad



sign that something is going to happen soon



①one that initiates a major change : a person or thing that originates or helps open up a new activity, method, or technology

②something that foreshadows a future event : something that gives an anticipatory sign of what is to come





(2)Some representatives of this camp consider themselves staunch cosmopolitans who celebrate the Internet as the harbinger of a homogenized 'techno-culture'.(上智大)


この英文に出てくるstaunchも難語だろう。「忠実な、信頼のできる、丈夫な」などの意味。オックスフォード英英ではstrong and loyal in your opinions and attitudeとあり、類義語にfaithfulが挙がっている。ロングマンの方では類義語にsteadfastが挙がっている。なおこのsteadfastにはいずれの英英でもliteraryと説明がある。




(3)There are many superstitions regarding the number 13. For example, in Britain it's considered a bad omen for 13 people to sit at a table. (武蔵大)


ロングマンアクティベータではsomething that happens which you think is a sign that something good or bad is going to happen in the futureと説明がある。ロングマンのa sign of what will happen in the futureよりも丁寧で分かりやすい気がする。もう二例。


(4)I was superstitious enough not to ignore this omen.(京都府立医科大)

(5)Some Aboriginal people see a shooting star as a bad omen, signifying that someone has died.(工学院大)


個人的にロングマンアクティベータの説明が好きなのは、you thinkの部分で、上に挙げた三例はいずれもそのニュアンスがよく出ていると思う。


Cambridgeの定義にあるように一般にharbingerはマイナスの内容に使うことが多い気がするが、omenはコロケーションとしてbad / good omenが挙げられるほどにいずれの場合も使える。