京都大学2018 - 行為解説の進行形
All of which is to say that how you help matters just as much as that you do help, which is why it is essential to begin by asking, “How can I help?” If you start with this question, you are asking, with humility, for direction. You are recognizing that others are experts in their own lives, and you are affording them the opportunity to remain in charge, even if you are providing some help.
さて、ここで使われている進行形は一般的な進行形と異なり、「行為解説」の用法などと言われていたりする。日本語にするとだいたい「~していることになる」くらいに和訳できる。要するに、主節の内容と副詞節の内容が一致している、と考える。それゆえ、if節で表される内容を進行形部分がいわば「解説」してる形になっている。学習参考書などでは説明されていないタイプで、僕が知る限り、受験生が持ちそうな参考書でこれに言及しているものは、江川 (1991)『英文法解説』しかない。この本では次のように説明されている。
(2)When children are doing nothing, they are doing some mischief.
(3)If you set this bird free, you're doing an act of kindness.
(4)If someone displays his ability or his possesstions ostentatiously, we say that he is showing off.
他の本で説明があるかどうか探してみると、Leech (2004)に次のような記述がある。
(5)Verbs referring to utterances or other meaningful acts can be 'framed' by a Progressive verb form referring to the mental attitude or communicative intention lying behind the utterance: 'Were you lying when you said that?' 'No, I was telling the truth.' This is sometimes called the 'interpretive' use of the Progressive: it is as if we are seeing the speech act 'from the inside', not in a temporal sense, but in the sense of discovering its underlying interpretation. There is no temporal-frame effect here, as the 'lying' and the 'saying' are apparently coextensive in time.
世界一有名な(?)あのぶっとい Huddleston and Pullum (2002)では次のように書かれている。
(6)The interpretive / explanatory use of the progressive
ex) When I said 'the boss' I was referring to you.
Here the saying and referring are strictly simultaneous, coextensive, so that the T(r) for was referring is the whole T(sit). The progressive is not required here but is more usual than the non-progressive; the internal (imperfective) view is appropriate to the explanatory function of the clause - in emphasasing duration, the progressive metaphorically slows down or extends the situation in order to be able to focus on clarifying its nature (P165).
(7)When I said 'the boss', he was eating his lunch.
(8)…if a young woman of twenty-four marries a man close on eighty, it’s
fairly obvious that she’s marrying him for his money.
(9)If you understand how aspect works in Russian, you are understanding one of the most difficult parts of the language.
(10)Some of the students who cheated in the exam didn't realize that they were violating one of the rules of their school.
(11)When I said I would shoot him, I was threatening him.
なお、 Huddleston and Pullum (2002)において、進行形のImperfectivityという項の解説において、次のような一文が登場する(p163)。
(12)in presenting a situation as in progress I am necessarily taking an internal view.
ここでも、present a situation as in progress = take an internal viewという関係が示され、「行為解説」の進行形の仲間と考えてよいだろう。
さて、受験の定番赤本や青本などの過去問等ではここについてどういう解説がされているのか気になるところである。ちらっと覗いたところ、赤本では、この文では~という意味、という説明があり、旺文社には言及が一切なく、青本(ここ大事)では「If SV(1)..., S is V(2)ingは『SがVすれば、SはVしていることになる』における現在進行形は、V(1)することが実質的にV(2)していることになっていること(二つの行為の実質的同一性)を表す言い方。」という解説が載っている。いやあ、青本を書いている予備校は大変素晴らしいんだろうなあ(ここ大事)。
この構文について認知言語学の観点から長谷川(2005)、友澤(2004)、清水(2013)などはこの「行為解説の進行形」を扱っている。Langackerの認知文法における進行形の概念を手掛かりに説明を試みていて、それら自身はどれも興味深いが(といってもtoo difficult to understand)、僕としては進行形というよりもむしろ接続詞whenやifの働きという観点で考えたい。加えていえば、「同時」という概念が持つ意味という点で考えたい。そのように考える理由として以下何点か、メモをしておく。
ひたすらwhenについて扱った本にDeclerck (1997)がある。この本はひたすらにwhenについて記述してあり、(まだ拾い読みしただけだが)まさにオタクそのものという感じだが、その中に、「説明的when」という項があり、参考になる。そこでは次のように述べられている。
(13)In some cases the primary function of the adverbial WC is not to specify a time but to explain what is said in the HC. (ここでいうWCはwhen節でHCは主節のことである。)
(14) In the same sentence he contradicts himself when he reports that the government still retains 40% of the total equity of the airline.
(15)The author Stephen King unknowingly conducted a similar experiment when, worried that the public would not accept his books as quickly as he could write them, he wrote a series of novels under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. (青学)
(16)But it is a tragedy when a belief in the judgement of experts or the market rather than a belief in ourselves causes us to give up, as John Kennedy Toole did when he committed suicide after publishers repeatedly rejected his draft for the posthumously best-selling Confederacy of Dunces. (青学)
(17)And it was only a year ago, as I write, that Harrison Birtwistle (perhaps Britain's leading modernist composer) condensed the Beethovenian concept of the composer into a dozen words when he announced, 'I can't be responsible for the audience: I'm not running a restaurant.'(慶應)
(18)Biologist E. Lenneberg, writing in the 1960s, summed up this middle position when he stated that infants are biologically programmed to develop language in the same way as much animal behavior is programmed.(早稲田)
(19)Children determined whether help was needed or not, exhibiting sophisticated intention-reading capacities.(関西学院大)
(20)At birth, the brain of almost every mammal is already about 90 percent of its adult weight. Humans are exceptional, with a brain at birth only about 25 percent of adult weight.(関西大)
(21)Not too long ago, kids with glasses were the odd ones out, favorite targets of school bullies. But glasses-wearing students are increasingly becoming the norm, with as many as one in four children needing corrective lenses, according to recent studies. (青学)
(22)They know that language pervades thought, with different languages causing their speakers to construe reality in different ways. They know that children learn to talk from role models and caregivers.(上智)
(23)My concern is when technologies that were designed for promoting health are used for non-medical purposes, and are turned into instruments of competition in a consumer-driven society.(慶應)
(24)Friction can also make electricity. An example is when a person rubs a balloon against his or her hair. (神奈川大)
なお、ifを用いた以下のような例もある(有名なthe way is ifの構文を想起させる)。
(25)What will obviously help you is if you have a method which tells you how and where to start.
Declerck, R. H (1997) When-clauses and temporal structure.
江川泰一郎 (1991) 『英文法解説』
Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language.
Leech, Geoffrey (2004) Meaning and the English Verb.
友澤宏隆 (2004)「行為解説の進行形の認知的分析」