




(1)If the jobs cannot be filled, then the productivity of the country will fall and so will its prosperity.(関西外国語大)


(2)If Arctic ice disappears, so may Inuit culture.(摂南大)




(3) If the soil is sick or in some way deficient, so will be the grasses that grow in that soil and the cattle that eat the grasses and the people who drink the milk from them.



一般に普通の倒置であれば、beは主語の後ろに来るはずである。ところが、この文ではwill beがセットになっている。次のCOCAによる例から分かるように、完了形でも同じである。


(4)Well, if we knew that, we'd have already figured it out, and so would have Stuyvesant and Boston Latin.





(1)In the beginning there was silence, and it was good. From silence came sound, not all of which was good. And the sound that was not welcome was called noise. And there got to be more and more of it, because who wants to rake leaves by hand when you can use a leaf blower?(立教大)




(2)It is a dangerous thing to control the lives of others and I have often wondered at the self-confidence of politicians, reformers and other people like them who are prepared to force upon their fellows policies that must alter their manners, habits, and points of view. I have always hesitated to give advice, for how can one advise another how to act unless one knows that other as well as one knows oneself?(中央大)


ここではfor節内で疑問文が使われている。こうした疑問文はいわゆる修辞疑問文である(内容的には断定している)。このように本来は従属節ではなく主節で起こるはずの現象をまとめて主節現象と呼ぶ。Green (1976)では、主節現象として様々なものを挙げているが、以下にそのうちの三つをメモしておく。


(3)Never before have prices been so high.[否定語文頭による倒置]

(4)John eats pork, doesn't he?[付加疑問文]

(5)In came the milk man.[方向の副詞句前置]



(6)I knew that never before had prices been so high.

(7) I guess John didn't come in, did he?

(8) I realized that in would come the milkman, with me there, and my hair in curlers.





Green, G. M. (1976) "Main clause phenomena in subordinate clauses." Language, 382-397.






Even if you have managed to find your way through the complexities of the theory surrounding television studies, you can still feel confused by the complicated production process itself. Added to this, you probably feel that while you have plenty to say about what you liked or did not like about a particular TV programme, you cannot see how to fit it into an analysis of the programme.




(1)Maria was devastated at the thought of the task ahead . Added to the near-crippling pain of her mother's loss, she almost sank to the floor, crushed beneath her stepfather's heel.


(2)Added to this, he always dressed in a gentlemanly sort of way, and so, incidentally, reflected credit upon my chambers.


(3)He has a particular physical draw: that of a man who must have always been attractive, but never quite believed it . Added to this, his hair is beginning to recede, and he has the slightest intimations of a gut.









(1)A huge black space then opened up in front of me and I fell inside it. I couldn't see what was in front of me and I couldn't hear anything around me. I couldn't think of anything except that my mother was no longer near me. Things went on in this way for I don't know how long. I don't know what, but something drew my eye in one direction.




(2)John invited you’ll never guess how many people to his party


以下の例を見ると、wh-amalgam内の名詞句と数の一致が起きているのがよく分かる。さらに(2)の例においても、inviteとmany peopleがVOの関係を意味的には形成していることが分かる。


(3)There are God knows how many homeless people in the evacuation centers, ...




(4)Here comes I don't know who / *whom


ここでは倒置している主語にあたる部分はI don't know who全体に見えるが、whoが選択されているため、この句の中のwhoの部分がcomesとSV関係を形成している証拠となる。




(5)Her voice was soft, silky, and what I can only describe as dangerous.




(6)But the notion that computers might respond emotionally, - or what psychologists call "affectively" - itself causes frustration in Ben Shneiderman, ... (名古屋大)





(7)John invited you'll never guess how many people to you can imagine what kind of a party at it should be obvious where with God only knows what purpose in mind, despite you can guess what pressures.




福地肇 (1995)『英語らしい表現と英文法』

岸本・菊池 (2008) 『叙述と修飾』

Lakoff, George (1974) “Syntactic Amalgams”

松山哲也 (2013)『wh語を伴った統語的融合体の統語構造について』










(1)According to the clock on the stove, which I could see from where I sat, it was 2:45 in the morning.


一般的に、おそらくこういう例ではfrom the place where I satのように、先行詞が省略された関係副詞として考えると説明されると思う。個人的にはそうではなくてwhere I satは単純に副詞節だと思っているけれど、そこに関してはまあ今は置いておくことにする。




(2)A news program even called this generation's graduates the "boomerang" kids, returning back to the nest from where they began.(立命館大



"Boomerang Generation is a term applied in Western culture to young adults graduating high school and college in the 21st century. They are so named for the percentage of whom choose to share a home with their parents after previously living on their own—thus boomeranging back to their parents' residence."


ここのthe percentage of whomに「ん?」となったが、まあ置いておく)


僕の理解が正しければ、ここではfrom the place where they beganという読み方はできない。そうではなく、the nestを先行詞にした関係代名詞的な使われ方がされているように思える。要するに、the nest where they began fromとしてもいいように思われる。ただし、なぜか、ここでthe nest from which they beganとすると逆に違和感があるような気がしてしまう。気のせいかもしれないけれど。


Huddleston and Pullum (2002)には


(3)She often climbed the knoll behind the mission, from where she could look down on roofs and people.


という例があがっている。長原 (1990)では次のように書かれている。


(4)when とwhereに関係代名詞としての用法があるか否かは関係副詞としてのwhenとwhereをどのように分析するかという問題とも関係し、微妙な問題である。しかし、その問題とは別にwhereには次のような例があり、関係代名詞としての用法が認められる。Two visitors were at the table - students from Los Angeles Art Center College of Design, from where, not quite five years ago, Brett DeLosanto humself had graduated. fromはfrom under the tableというように場所を表す前置詞句を従えるが、この例のgraduate fromのfromが前置詞句を取るとは考えられないからである。それではwhereとwhichはどのように使い分けられるかという疑問が残るが、この点についての詳しい研究はなされていない。


これはfromの問題として考えるべきなのか、whereの問題として考えるべきなのかは微妙な気がする。確かにfromは名詞句以外を目的語に取るというのは有名な話で、例えば大谷 (2015)などでは前置詞句の目的語に前置詞句が来るタイプについて考察されている。




(5)Apart from a few isolated studies in the 1920s and 1930s, memory was largely ignored as a topic until the "cognitive revolution" took place. That transformation happened after World War II, when scientists concerned with the thinking process ― referred to as cognitive psychologists ― began to explore the idea of the brain as an information processor, and this provided a model for the storage of memory; it was seen as a process whereby some items passed from short-term or working memory into long-term memory.


(6)Japan's low crime rate can be partly attributed to the system whereby homeroom teachers are tasked with both the cognitive and personal development of students. 


ジーニアスを見ると、wherebyはby whichと書かれている。ロングマンではby means of which or according to whichと定義されている。オックスフォードではby which / because of whichと書かれている。しかし、考えてみればなぜwhereがこうした場合選択肢として使われるのかは不思議といえば不思議だが、よくあるメタファー的な拡張、ということになるのだろうか。


さて、先ほど挙げた例だとfrom whereということで前置詞のfromが前置された形であったけれど、後ろに残されるケースも当然ある。以下は全てCOCAからとった例。


(7)We have gone to the site where she disappeared from.

(8)And that's the third place, the third critical location where evidence will come from.

(9)Oh, Mom, that is right near the town where John is from, ...



(10)We call them taxis where I come from.

(11)" I bet he never saw a good slider where he came from. " " Where did he come from? "



(12)He looks at it not as a place where he came from, but a place where he still occasionally likes to be.




(13) You know what they have in the South Pacific? Cocoa trees. That's where chocolates come from






(14)Back in the world which Jack had come from, the world of 1962, the conflict between the monolithic tyranny of the Soviet bloc and the Free World had proceeded to its inevitable conclusion: a nuclear exchange which must, surely, have reduced the world to ruin.

(15)For him, this was the place from which he felt he had voyaged out.

(16)But take him up gently and return to the place from which you came. (早稲田)


where...from / from where...のタイプは、構文として定着している、ということなのか。いずれにせよ、こういった表現が少なからずあるという点は知っていても良いだろう。




Huddleston and Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of English Lanugage.

長原幸雄 (1990)『関係節』

大谷直輝 (2015)「前置詞の補語句として用いられる前置詞句の名詞的用法について」 




in the sense SVという表現について覚書



(1)The usual argument is that one cannot talk about fashion in Greek and Roman antiquity in the sense we do today because there was no individual taste in the choice of clothing – even though there were certain possibilities for variation. 


この下線を引いた部分は一体どういう意味か。関係代名詞という読み方はできないし、the way SVと同じように、関係副詞的に解釈しないといけないと思う。しかし、the wayは周知のようにそれができるが、the senseができるという説明は(僕は)見たことがない。




(2)When someone is unable to recall a piece of information, it does not mean that it is "forgotten" in the sense that it has faded or simply disappeared from long-term memory.(青学)


でもこちらは、辞書にもあるように、同格のthatと読める。明らかに(1)と(2)は別物。では一体(1)のような表現が可能なのはなぜか。僕はこの表現の原形はin the same sense as SVなのではないかと思う。


(3)A scientific theorum has not been ― cannot be ― proved in the way a mathematical theorem is proved. But common sense treats it as a fact in the same sense as the 'theory' that the Earth is round and not flat is a fact, and the theory that green plants obtain energy from the sun is a fact. (大阪医科大)


そしてそれに由来しているかのように思われるin the same sense that SVというのもある。

(4)A sensor is not a machine. It doesn't do anything in the same sense that a machine does. (慶應


僕自身イマイチよく分かっていないのだけれど、the sameとセットで使われるasはなんとなくかなり自由な使われ方がしている気がしていて、関係代名詞的に考えるならば本来名詞の「穴」ができるはずなのに、そうなってないケースがかなりある。例えば(3)なんかはまさにそういうケースだと思う。例えばジーニアスにも次のような例がある。


(5)Geroge wrote in the same manner as his father did.




(6)I bought the same book as you bought yesterday.

(7)I bought the same book that you bought yesterday.


ならば、こういうthatの使い方があるために(4)のようなthatは(3)のような形からの類推で出来たと言えるような気がする。すると(1)のような形はそこからさらにthatとthe sameが抜け落ちてしまったということではないのか、と思う。


「SVするのと同じような意味で」と「SVする意味で」は結局だいたい似たようなこと(全く同じではないと思うけれど)を言っているわけで、そうすればthe sameが抜け落ちてもおかしくない。in the same wayとin the wayの関係と並行していると思う。


(8)How could fish with their simpler brains possibly feel things in the same way that we do? (青学)

(9)I look at my books in the same way that I look at my photos ― each one recalls a moment in time, a story, or a place that I don't want to forget. (愛知大)

(10)Gravity could cause this motion in the same way as it could cause apples to fall to Earth from trees.(学習院

(11)It values guns and prisons in the same way it values music and medicine: by how much money changes hands.(学習院






(2)Although clearly Menard does not hold a radical view of skepticism in the sense that the ancients did, the skeptic method left its mark within his opera omnia.(COCA)





no more thanの解釈

個人的に好きな英語の構文としてはno more thanがある。というかそもそも比較というテーマが好きなのだが、その中でもno more thanはやはり最高に面白い。さて、no more thanといえばいつもどんな時も自動的に「~でないように・・・ない」と訳す人が多いが、それはこの構文が表しうる意味を「クジラ」一本しかないように教えるからなのか、あるいは、「マイナス×プラス」で教えるからなのか、それはよく分からないが、それだと正しく意味を取れないケースがかなりある。その中でも個人的にかなり好きなタイプを入試問題で出題された長文から三つほど例を挙げておきたい。


(1) A study focusing on the first 90 seconds of the medical visit found that the patient’s response to the physician’s opening question was completed in only 23% of the visits studied. In 69% of the visits, the physician interrupted the patient’s opening statement, after an average of only 15 seconds, to follow up on a stated problem. In only one of these visits was the patient given the opportunity to return to, and complete, the opening statement. For those 30% of patients who were allowed to continue, none of their statements took more than 2.5 minutes. Moreover, analysis of the concerns raised by patients throughout the visit showed that the first named concern was no more clinically significant than concerns that were expressed later. However, later concerns tended to be raised in a haphazard manner and they received inconsistent attention from the physician. A replication of this study some 15 years later found little had changed in physicians’ attention to their patients’ agenda; patients’ initial statements of concern were completed in only 28% of interviews, and their opening statements were redirected after an average of 23 seconds. (杏林大)


(2)Evidence that eating chocolate does not cause acne comes from two studies: one by the Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the other by the U.S. Naval Academy. Their research showed some interesting results. They found that there was no difference in the skin condition between the study participants who did, or did not, eat chocolate. There is also no proof that chocolate is the cause of tooth decay. In fact, it is believed that the cocoa butter in chocolate forms a coating over the teeth that may help to protect them. The sugar in chocolate can cause cavities, but no more than sugar in any other food or drink. (近畿大


(3)Knowing all this, the average visitor to the Louvre might be forgiven for experiencing a sense of disappointment upon first laying eyes on the most famous painting in the world. To start with, it is surprisingly small. And being enclosed in that strong box, and usually surrounded by mobs of picture-taking tourists, it is frustratingly difficult to see. So when you do finally get up close, you’re really expecting something special ― what the art critic Kenneth Clark called “the supreme example of perfection,” which causes viewers to “forget all our doubts in admiration of perfect mastery.” Well, as they say, I’m no art critic. But when, on my first visit to the Louvre several years ago, I finally got my chance to appreciate perfect mastery, I couldn’t help wondering about the three other da Vinci paintings I had just walked by in the previous chamber, and to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention. As far as I could tell, the Mona Lisa looked like an amazing accomplishment of artistic talent, but no more so than those other three. In fact, if I hadn’t already known which painting was the famous one, I doubt that I could have picked it out of a lineup. For that matter, if you had put it in with any number of the other great works of art on display at the Louvre, I’m quite positive it wouldn’t have jumped out at me as the obvious contender for most-famous-painting award.(鳥取大)


さて、それぞれの下線に含まれるno more thanが正確に意味が取れるか。なお、長くなりすぎるのを避けるために部分的に取り出しているが、(3)のknowing all thisのthisの内容は、ざっくりいうと、「モナリザが超有名で人気!」という感じ。


個人的に比較が好きなのは、比較対象に込められた意味を正確に判断しないと文全体の意味が取れない、という点による。例えば、no more thanに限らずとも、次のような文を読むとそれが分かるはずだ。


(4)The real question is where you want to stand: alongside the large majority of the world’s climate scientists who say that human generated climate change is a significant threat, or with the handful of those denying climate change itself, who are as well qualified to talk about science as Europeans are to talk about Australian Rules football.(慶應 商)


文字通りには「同じくらい十分に資格がある」となりそうだけれど、後半のヨーロッパ人が~のくだりを読めば、これが「資格がない」ものの分かりやすい例として挙げられていると判断がつくので、それを汲んで、前半戦も「科学について語る資格がない」と判断しなくてはいけない。no more thanの「クジラ」の解釈が出てくるのも、こうした「(常識的)判断」が基になっているのだから、いつもいつも「~でないように・・・ない」になるとは限らない。次の例も同じだろう。


(5)New discoveries may conceivably lead to dramatic, even “revolutionary” shifts in the Darwinian theory, but the hope that it will be “refuted” by some shattering breakthrough is about as sensible as the hope that we will return to a geocentric vision and discard Copernicus.(京都大)




まあそんなことはさておき、比較はやはり面白いなと思う。やっぱり何と言っても一番最初に比較って面白いなと思ったのは大学生の時だったか、Ken is as old as Yuki, and they are both young.という文があり得るということを知った時だった。比較で使われる一部の形容詞があくまで「尺度」にしかなっていない、というのを「明示的に」知ったときの感動は本当に大きかった。

