

the wayの解釈 - 京大2017の問題から



Desertification as a concept is extremely important, however, not least because the fear it generates drives a multimillion-dollar global anti-desertification campaign that impacts the lives of millions of people. Desertification is also important because it was the first major environmental issue to be recognized as occurring on a global scale. (b)As such, the way that the "crisis of desertification" was conceptualized, framed, and tackled as a policy problem shaped in numerous ways our reactions to subsequent environmental crises such as deforestation, biodiversity loss, and climate change


この下線で使われているthe wayについて考えたい。当然、何も考えずにthe way SVを見れば、もちろんまずは「SVする方法」という訳語が思い浮かぶことと思う。一般に高校生は関係副詞の項目として習う表現で、thatはあってもなくても良く、辞書などでは省略される方が普通、と書かれている。




しかし、僕はこの解釈は間違っていると思う。素晴らしい予備校の素晴らしい先生たちがみんなで同じことを言うんだから、間違っているのは僕の方なんだろうが、しかしそれでも、僕はこの解釈が違うと言いたい。そして僕が思うここでのthe way thatの部分の解釈は、「砂漠化の危機が、政策問題として概念化され、枠組みを与えられ、取り組まれたこと」だ。


そもそもの問題として、the wayにそんな用法があるのか、という声もあるかもしれないので一応書いておくと、小西編『現代英語語法辞典』では【the way 節】の意味として三つ目に「~すること」があがっている。そして、次のような例が挙げられている。


(1)It's amazing the way she manages to stay calm. 「彼女がなんとか平静を保っているとは驚きだ。」(=The fact that she stays calm is amazing.)




(2)It was strange the way (= how, that) he said it.「彼がそう言ったのは不思議だ。」




(3)It's perhaps not much known that Ish has a musical side. I was only vaguely aware of it, if at all, when I interviewed him, though I'd known him by then for several years --- (1)a good example of how he doesn't give much away.


ここは「自分のことをあまり話したがらないことのよい例だ」といった感じだろうか。Cobuild Advanced American English Dictionaryでもhowとthe wayに次のような定義が載っている。


(4)how : You use how after certain adjectives and verbs to introduce a statement or fact, often something that you remember or expect other people to know about.

EX) It's amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years.


(5)way : If you mention the way that something happens, you are mentioning the fact that it happens.

EX) I hate the way he manipulates people.



ということで、the wayが「~こと」となりうることは示せたと思う。


それでは、京大のこの問題で使われている例で、なぜ僕が「方法」という解釈をしたくないか、それはconceptualizeとframeという動詞の使用法による。これらの動詞は英和の辞書を見ていると気付かないかもしれないが、僕の経験上asとしばしば結びつく。それでは、この予想にのっとってコーパス(COCA)でconceptualize / frame(動詞)の右4語以内にasが現れる例を検索すると、それぞれ600例/800例以上出てくる。もちろん中には関係ないパターンも含まれているが、ざっと見た感じ、かなりのケースが【conceptualize / frame A as B】の形で用いられている。


つまり、何が言いたいかというと、本来「どのように」によって表される内容はas a policy problemなのではないか、ということだ。もしそうだとすると、as以下が明示されているのにthe wayを「方法」とか「どのように」と意味を取ってしまったのでは、だぶってしまう。例えば(5)の例におけるmanipulateという動詞のロングマン英英辞典の定義を見てみよう。


(6)manipulate : to make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skilfully deceiving or influencing them


下線部に注目してほしい。この動詞にはこうした様態的な意味が含まれており、そうした意味とthe wayの「仕方・方法」がダブるため、その意味では解釈できないと考えられるだろう。




(7)frame : to express sth in a particular way

EX) You’ll have to be careful how you frame the question. 




(8)If we are to better understand how graffiti are framed as undesirable and unwanted, we need to explore some of the major themes at the Graffiti Hurts Web site(COCA)




(9)Everyone has some means of relief -- tennis, yoga, a massage every Thursday -- but the very way in which those activities are framed as separate from regular life suggests the extent to which that relief is temporary. (COCA)




ここまでくれば京大のこの問題でもthe wayを同じように解釈することにもそれなりの妥当性が見えてくる。



the wayが「方法」と訳せないケース、すなわち「~ということ」くらいに意味を取らなくてはいけないケースは実はかなり頻繁に出会っていると思う。以下にいくつか例を追加しておく。


(10)But what distinguishes dogs from other mammals, even other domesticated mammals, is the way that their attention overlaps with ours. Like us, they pay attention to humans: to our location, subtle movements, moods, and, most eagerly, to our faces. A popular conception of animals is that if they look at us at all, it is from fear or appetite, monitoring us as possible predator** or prey. Not true: the dog looks very particularly at humans.(お茶の水女子大)




(11)Perhaps the most irritating part of the problem is the way that others summarily dismiss the harshness of workplace bullying. In the competitive environment of the present day, workers who are targets of bullying are often told by colleagues and friends that it is a normal part of work. Career advisors also tell these individuals that they are lucky to have a job and in essence not to worry about bullying as it is just part of the job.(早稲田 社学)


(12)She remarks that, for some reason, Japanese parents seem to prefer boys, but that girls are equally loved and cherished. Although she feels that the children are somewhat too gentle and polite compared to European children, she admires the way that they are taught to be independent in their amusements. They are able to play by themselves without bothering adults at every turn, and any disputes in their games are quickly settled by the senior child present.(愛知大)


(13)Caffeine has several effects on the body, but the most interesting is the way that it prevents the brain from reacting to a chemical called "adenosine." One of adenosine's roles is to cause a feeling of sleepiness, of getting tired. Thus, caffeine can help us feel more awake.(関西大)


僕の理解ではここに挙げたthe way that は全てthe fact thatで置き換えてもさほど意味は変わらないと思う。


また、自分の経験上、最もこのthe wayという形式と「こと」という意味が頻繁に結びつくなと感じられる構文パターンは【like / hate the way that】だ。(5)の例も合わせてみてほしい。以下に最近の入試問題で見つけたこのタイプの例を挙げておく。どれ一つをとっても「~する方法が好き(ではない)」とは訳せないことが分かってもらえると思う。


(14)In one Michigan community, residents requested that an ice cream truck not play its catchy tune when it drove through their streets. They did not like the way the song continued in their minds even after the truck had left their neighborhood.(北里大)


(15)It was in 1826 that the Zoological Society was founded in London. In 1847, the word zoo was first used. Later on, in 1892, the Englishman Henry Salt, in his book Animals' Rights, was one of the first to protest against keeping animals in cages. He did not like the way the animals were confined in cages and the way animals in zoos lose their "character." Since then, many people have criticized zoos for these reasons. However, zoos claim that their role is to educate the public and conserve animals. These aims are not bad in themselves. It is the way in which they are carried out that we must consider.(武蔵野美大


(16)As I continued communicating with him, he started responding back. He explained that he didn't like the way people came in and out of his room with no regard for his feelings. He told me that he wanted some privacy and independence, and that he really appreciated that I had knocked before entering his room. After this, throughout my shift, I did my best to service him in ways that showed him respect. (富山大)


(17)Tomiko Nakayama, the mother of a four-year-old girl, told me that she likes the way Sunshine respects the wishes of each child, especially compared with other day-care facilities, which she found too restrictive.(甲南大)

